A creature of significant fuzzy fur whom is a little shit bastard that you love dearly.
Petey your such a fuzzy bastard! I just love you so much!
A pigeon that lives in an abandoned building and claims it as their home, This gives them a large sense of importance and they will do whatever to protect their adopted kingdom of shite. Abandoned explorers are often attacked, divebombed , shit on and cooed at by these winged psychopaths!
Watch out Andy that pigeony bastard has its evil eye on you!
A person who lays around all the time and puts no effort into anything, doesn't like to work and relies on there parents to live. These people are usually are around the age of 30 and above and cruise through life.
Stop laying around Geoff and get a job ya " Tired Bastard".
(Tired C#*t)
"The lonely suburban" to masterbate while pooping or just sitting on the toilet.
Dude I ate some bad food yesterday so I had plenty of time on the toilet for the fap-bastard
Dan from my gaming group, who is possibly an alien and definitely kind of a racist but who can beatbox adequately.
“One huge babe magnet that will take over this planet with our style of punk/metal party rock!!! Women love us even more than their boy toys at home!!!”-BASTARD MACHINE
Bastard Machine; “Those dudes Bastard Machine from Santa Cruz are hard sh%t rock’N roll!”
When a ugly midle aged man fucks your anime grill after 3 minutes of watching a potensially good anime that turned out to be a creepy huge age gap porno.
"Did you watch that recent hentai on hentaigasm? "
"Yeah dude, WTH! It had an ugly bastard in it. No thanks."