1 telling your friends u going beat that person ass but not on nothing in person
2 trying to get people to feel bad for u even tho u know u a pussy and was starting stuff
3 got beat up before and thinking u won
Generally being a bit of a wanker.
Dude, that Kevin's being such a Doyle!
Yeah, he a real tosser, bro.
Being (Factual Being)
Being. i.e. the self-discharging of the negative
i. As ‘is'-ing, Being is the process of the abyssal grounding of Dasein.
ii. Being is the self-withholding of the Gods (facticity of projected ex-istence).
iii. Being is the first reflection of the luster of the riddle (mystery) of Being qua Being - factual Nothingness
While Nothingness is the consonant, the mediated junction of dissonant parts, the self-revelation of the noumenon, Being is the vowel, the unity of continuity and discontinuity, the self-mediated and continuously self-externalising singularity. Being (The Vowel) extends itself through itself. And, yet, this extension, while other to the quality of Being, has its subsistence in the latter and is No-thing but the latter.
What “is” - “Being”?
What Shane does after 4 days after four days and then he leaves
Cult member: Shane shows up after like 4 days bes mean then leaves
A person who forces religion on someone and prays after every joke
Damn he likes jesus a little too much hes being jojo