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He is the true ALPHA Male. He does not falter in the face of fear or BIG GLIZZYS. You should never get into a GLIZZY off against a Blake because he will absolutely destroy you maybe even obliterate you. He gets all the girls and he is destined to have at least 20 female wives. He is bound to have a 1 billion a month job and he does not pay taxes. Also he does not drink alcohol he is all about the apple juice and milk. His favourite food is a pizza burger with extra cheese.

Blake is the G.O.A.T

by Glizzy Lover February 17, 2022


Gay very very fucking gay. He is also hot af and everyone wants to fuck blake

wow you are cute af you must be a Blake

by IM guenis April 27, 2020


the best man in the world, he will make you happier than you expected if in a relationship. he is also a great friend. overall really handsome and loyal.

girl 1: hey is that your boyfriend

girl 2: yeah

girl 1: he’s really cute
girl 2: i know his name is blake
girl 1: no wonder he’s so hot

by oi people November 2, 2020


Blake is the most caring and compassionate man you will ever meet. On bad days he will always check up you to ask how you are doing. He gives the best hugs and has an amazing smile. He is so goofy and a fun-loving person.

As much as he hates school, he sure does love homework.

Person 1: Who are you texting?

Person 2: Blake

by freshrosesinmygarden July 20, 2022


A white man with beautiful eyes goes to school always late to class, gets all the boys

woah is that blake

by pIIIILOP May 17, 2023


He is college kid that dresses up as a middle schooler, short ASF and weird ass hairline.

Blake do be packintho.

by Connarina July 6, 2020


gay asf no other words needed

look at blake sucking shawns dick

by luhhkamm January 6, 2020