Freackin nerd bitch who is a legalize pot bitch he should fucking stop.
Girl *on way to skewl* "oh no it is cash sanchez *runs*
Don't be a cash
Cash for cash is straight up what ever you want or need you But don’t come short
Hey man can you look out for me just this one last time.... naw brah i Need cash For cash
The roll of cash held by dudes you know are up to no good
Watch out for Mickey he always goin on about his rylz of cash
The gay type that likes big black dick for no reason. Cash can also be the nice type you like at times but will abuse you in A later relationship. Cash can fit a whole dog up his ass. Thats a cash
Donald trump: cash came out as gay
Russia: no shit it’s a cash
A cash, the gay type that sucks dick and calls him self cool and likes to clap at random times. Cash is the smart ass everyone likes and the smallest person you’ll meet. What a cash
Gay faggot: did you hear cash came out as gay
Fat guy: no shit it’s a cash
A cash is a small boy
"Hey is that a Cash"
"he is a small boy"
dylan... i just... don't want to talk to you anymore
Dylan, please stop talking about Cash and Khloe.