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If you meet a Charlotte you know she will be there for you every step of the way. She is kind and gorgeous and a queen but if you get on the wrong side of her she is a DRAGON!!

Person 1 : hey who is she she seems really kind
Person 2 : oh she is my friend Charlotte

Person 1 : wow she’s definitely a Charlotte

by Unknown Peson March 21, 2021


Charlotte. Shes honestly one of the the nicest people ive met , she's is really sweet and caring. Shes always there for everyone when she can be. Shes such a special girl, but she doesnt realise it. Anyone who ever gets her, you better treat her right. :)

'Charlotte?that amazing caring and loving girl'

by Yourfriendlyneighbourspiderman November 23, 2021


charlotte is a big back. she really likes eating. yum.


by pickleeater123456789 December 18, 2024


Charlotte is tall, smart and pretty but doesn’t know she is. She works hard, too hard at school but it works. She may seem shy but once you know her, you can’t let her go. Even though sometimes she’s kind of weird with her big laugh, she will always be there for you and listen to you. Charlotte can have any boy but she only sees one. She sings well, but can’t draw. We can’t find her fault and we have searched for a long time. She kinda looks like a mum though.

I love Charlotte so much

by user_50;000 November 21, 2021


She likes to play Roblox and look at rats eating spaghetti.

Charlotte likes chunky boys

by Mi gusta December 13, 2021


Charlotte is the best thing that will ever happen to you. She is kind, weird, in love with Wilbur Soot, and is probably a twin. She is absolutely beautiful and is probably the most popular in school, and has many true friends. she will flirt with you and treat you like you mean the world to her. she is very drama free and has hot instagram feed, along with snapchat stories. if i were you i wouldn’t want to loose her.

woah i really like charlotte

by aks957 April 25, 2021


She’s the sweetest and kindest person who will always have your back and if you know her never let her go because once she is in love she will not change her mind and will be heart set and she will try her best to make you happy so matter what situation

Hey do you have a crush on Charlotte?

Yes I admit it she just makes me so happy and I want to be with her forever

don’t worry I know she likes you too and she really makes everyone happy doesn’t she

by clear crystal cherry blossom May 10, 2020