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Classical Consortium Academy

Classical Consortium Academy is your generic Christian private school founded in 2006, located at Village Church of Barrington.
They only meet Mondays to set themselves apart.
Move along nothing to see here

Classical Consortium Academy is where I went in middle school, look at me so prim and proper

by RealKGB November 19, 2021

schofield classic

When Schofield gives you head in High park

Man I got the Schofield classic yesterday when I was out

by Bignoirdragon January 11, 2021

classical art

old art

That classical art is like thanos

by Dabmastahitler April 30, 2019

Classic Eva

The opposite of a classic Luciano, when a Luciano does said classic Luciano and Luciano forces his sister, probably called Eva, to clean it up with her mouth and pussy.

Eva probs: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklklklkkkkjkjkhjk i just did a classic Eva its the 5th time this week and its only a Tuesday my pussy is drenched of KFC

by heavygrape August 5, 2022

pull a classic Vasily

To bail out on a plan at the last minute.

We made plans to go swimming but he pull a classic Vasily!

by Ronyn900 August 9, 2022

classic female experience

never being able to cum

"joel was talking to his wife (female) (thai) about her classic female experience when he had an idea about fixing it. His wife (female) (thai) knew nothing could be done about his erectile dysfunction"

by number1joelhater July 19, 2024

classic Pele

means when you fuck a teenage boy and pay him for sex with new IPhone

Don't you have a cheap new iPhone? I am going out with my cousin, and I will do classic Pele.

by Pelemaker April 5, 2024