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California Cold

"the congestion of the nasal cavity after a long night of skiing and never leaving the bathroom"

"A cold in the middle of july"

"what you get from hanging out with kate moss"

"the reason you can't sleep at night" "snifflesniffle"

"A cool way to loose weight"

"year long sniffles"

"Cocaine in your mustache"

"all you need is 40 bucks it will change your life"

"Hey peter hows that California Cold? Good bud all I had was 40 bucks"

"hey man its july why do you sound like your a crack head?" peter coughs twice " BECAUSE I AM ALRIGHT "


by porpen August 31, 2009

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Cold Cosby

Much like the similar Hot Cosby, a Cold Cosby is when you commit the act of date rape. However, instead of rendering the victim unconscious, the victim is killed and raped postmortem by the perpetrator(s). This act is ussauly performed by a necrophiliac to satisfie their "needs".

Did you hear about Ben? He was charged for pulling a Cold Cosby. Hot Cosby

by SusejOfEggs March 17, 2016

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woman cold

A debilitating illness of mucous and congestion and pain that confines a woman to the house with no possibility of work or school followed by a rapid surge of recovery when it is time to go shopping or go out for cocktails. 'Woman colds' tend to be intense, but brief, as they are immediately relieved upon happy hour.

The specific cause of the 'woman cold' is unknown, but it is generally the fault of the nearest man.

The illness tends to confound and baffle other men seeking a cure or treatment.

Synonyms: selective illness, selective symptoms

Antonyms: flu, pneumonia

When <woman's name> developed a particularly nasty woman cold, she had to stay home from work and cancel her morning conference call and her pilates class. She declined the medicine that her fiancee offered so she would not feel drowsy. After sniffling and coughing throughout the morning, she experienced a remarkable improvement when her girlfriend invited her to help her shop for shoes, and she was able to go to the mall that afternoon.

<Woman's name> suffered a bad sore throat and clammy skin when she developed a woman cold, and she could not deliver the financial report for her office and the essay for her continuing education class. She suspected that the illness was related to the dessert spoon that she shared with her husband, but she gave no complaints. She valiantly struggled to fold the laundry and clean the dishes while soothing herself with hot tea. She needed her husband to take the kids to daycare and pick them up, but she refused his offer to take her to the doctor. Her symptoms quickly subsided when her coworkers scheduled a wine-tasting at the end of the day and she felt strong enough to attend the event.

by spamcode November 16, 2012

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cold rodger

A sexual act consisting of three partners. Partner number one shoves ice down partner number two's anus and then buttfucks them, while partner number three licks the melted water off of the anus and balls of the other partners.

Josh and Will gave that pretentious prick's mom a cold rodger, and when they were through there was a huge pool of brown water on the floor.

by Josh Cool March 3, 2007

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cold megan

when a male shits in a bag, freezes it, then while having sex with a girl sticks it in her ass

She squealed when i gave her the ole cold megan

by Nic March 26, 2004

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cold love

Where the love is one sided.

Lily: Whoa! Is that cold love?
Leyla: Yeah he doesn't love me but I love him.

by damn that Demiah thoe February 13, 2016

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cold cash

verifiable and genuine money (from the notion that coins are cold and hard)

I don't think cold cash is going to be enough to persuade him.

by The Return of Light Joker February 3, 2009

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