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Urban Dictionary

A very weird source that just lets people write definitions. This means you PROBABLY shouldn't use this unironically.

Teacher: Hey {you}, where did you get this definition from? It's completely wrong.
You: I got it from the Urban Dictionary.
Teacher: Oh, that makes sense. You got an F on the literature test.

by aubsie November 17, 2020

urban dictionary

a place where there are too many swears like f*ck

i going to go to urban dictionary

by ooooooooooooooooohmcl January 11, 2022

Urban Dictionary

The place you write in when you have nothing else to do.

"I'm about to scroll on urban dictionary."

by Rina Glass September 20, 2021

Urban Dictionary

This fucking site

You're on urban dictionary right now.

by Orangetack April 19, 2015

Urban Dictionary

The #1 Place for all of your misinformation.
(unless you want to know about sex, then you're covered.)

normal human being:Hm... What does experasilancitating mean? Im gonna go to Urban Dictionary to find out!
urban dictionary degenerates: IM BOUTTA EXPERASILANCITATE THAT ASS
normal human: bruh

by Electrik man July 8, 2020

urban dictionary

An online dictionary where people can make there own definitions for words no matter how wrong or rude.

I use urban dictionary to make accurate definitions.

by Here to give accurate def. March 15, 2017

Urban dictionary

Urban dictionary is a place to push your own opinions through definitions of slang words.
The advantage of this, is that if someone doesn't know what a word means, you can give them your biased and one sided definition to attempt to flip them to your side of the opinion war.(Hell, I'm doing it right now!)
Another common use of urban dictionary is to make up words, involving your own opinions. A burst of these definitions have happened due to the election.

Person: Oh no, trump won the election? Time to go make an urban dictionary post about it!

by Eorsak December 11, 2016