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Dusty is defined as somebody that is chill and collected or somebody that has a lot of swag.

Examples, Keep it dusty.

Feeling dusty. You’re looking dusty today.

by SteadyHandz February 14, 2019


Just straight nasty

She dusty

by Okayikie March 30, 2020


Very weird

This girl is dusty

by thecharacterwannie September 23, 2022


An ass biter thats also funny

Damn, did you hear about the new Dusty on the loose?

by Jakey IDK unga booga March 19, 2022


When something or someone is dirty or untidy

" Connor looks greasy"
- " that's dusty man"

by Dodgy mincers July 29, 2016


noun• Them low key -10 bitches that be homely. Dusties can be dudes or chicks.

Geraldo told his wife that it was going to be a late work night, but he truly had plans to hang with one of his dusties in an apartment near work.

by King Krilla May 20, 2021


Typically used as a substitute for the word cocaine

Hey mate got a dusty ?

by Dusty_osda June 15, 2019