Howard Waynesboro is the Whitest Name on Earth
Howard Waynesboro is the Whitest Name on Earth
When You find a snake/groundhole hole in the ground and fuck said hole
Me “Bro on me My hips killing me”
Friend “why?”
Me “I found a hole in the ground today and started Earth Worming the shit outta it
When someone is so busy doing something that is not important versus doing something that is important
What is so earth shaking that you can’t call me right now?
When you want to see if a cover of Fireflies is good, so you skip to the part where they sing "I like to make my self believe, that planet Earth turns slowly".
Guy 1: What're you doing?
Guy 2: I'm looking for a cover of Fireflies to listen to, but they all suck.
Guy 1: Well just do The Planet Earth Test to get faster results.