Eddie is a gay ass nigga that sucks dick on the whole and sniffs crack in the corner his toes looks like bakeon bites and hes ugly
Eddie is gay add🍆
Edie is a boy who grow up in a 3 bed room house with ten kids in each room
Eddie is a boy who plays with his big brother
Eddie is a fucking weirdo. He’s a liar, and he’s a two faced person. NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH AN “Eddie” or never date an Eddie .
Eddie is a name. Eddie is a weirdo. Eddie is two faced and dirty minded . Eddie is trouble, and a bad friend. Never be friends with an Eddie or date one 🧏🏽 ♀️
Eddie is a pretty badass name, if you know someone Eddie you better call him that and not some gay ass shit like Edwin, what the fuck is that? Also Edward is unacceptable, only fucking Eddie. I swear to God that if I hear one more variation of Eddie I will fucking lose it.
Person 1: Hey Eddie
Eddie: Hey
Person 1: Or should I say Edwin?
Eddie: Shut the fuck up you peice of human garbage
Verb. To aggressively lose patience when provoked by another’s arrogance.
The customer eddied the driver ahead of him when he refused to move his car.
Eddie is sweet and cute. He comes off as rough around the edges, and he can be annoying sometimes, but he notices the little things, such as the little things that piss you off, and how to give you a genuine smile. Eddie is athletic and competitive in sports, and is who you would think is a jock, but after getting to know him isn’t. Eddie is the type of person who you would imagine years from now, holding hands at the beach while the sun sets. If you like an Eddie, tell him, or you will regret it for a long time.
God, that Eddie kid is soo annoying...yet cute...I want to be his friend
*Two years later*
I’m really happy I got to know him. He isn’t what I thought he would be. I love him.