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Fast razo

The simple act of having sex with more than one person on seperate occasions in one day

I pulled a fast razo today before work

by Cocoa daddy April 18, 2011

fast kitty

Another word for slut, or promiscuous woman

She’s being a fast kitty tonight

by Taymbro November 14, 2021

Fast skkrr

A that goes really fast around the roads

Guy 1: omg look at that car
Guy 2: that is such a fast skkrrr

by Lmao ur not funny September 5, 2019

fast foring

Shit on tv that is so bad it bores the piss out of you even when viewed on fast forward. This applies to all day time TV and most so-called reality shows.

etymology: short for 'fast forward boring'

dude #1: Hey, did you catch Survivor last night?

dude #2: Man, that shit was fast foring. I only slowed down for a couple commercials.

by twilyth September 5, 2008

Fast Track

The vagina of an astronaut.

The vagina of an astronaut if a Fast Track.

by Nelly's On Fire October 5, 2020

russian fast

Eating as little to no food in a day much like a Russian during the Cold War, either by choice or by circumstance, then drinking vodka becoming shitfaced at an alarmingly fast rate.

I'm on a Russian Fast today because I failed my Calc test .

by The Fire Fox November 13, 2015

fast food

Eating a female out while she's driving; road head for girls.

She almost hit a car when her boy made her fast food on the way to the movie.

by meowmix1986 May 14, 2018