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Motley bel grande

The act of placing your penis in a burrito in order to cover up the smell of the vaginas you previously banged in Hope's your current sex partner wont smell the aforementioned pussy stank

Dude, I totally had to motley bel grande my cock so sheila wouldn't know I was out fuckin around

by John Bandana esq.. December 25, 2022

Hefner's grand slam

A redhead, brunette, blonde, and an asian all at the same time without getting a heart attack.

I went for Hefner's grand slam last night, but failed due to heart attack.

by hefner555 July 8, 2011

Grand Theft Auto

A way of telling someone that you will rob them, violently and painfully.

Hey, old lady! I'm gonna Grand Theft Auto you if you keep moving!

by DrDawg420 October 29, 2022

Grand Theft Auto

The game you play when mom is at the supermarket.

kid: hey dude wanna play Grand Theft Auto? My mom isnt home!
friend: what about your dad?
kid: eh, he doesnt really give to shits about what i play.

by Sack o' Flaps February 11, 2019

Dallas La Grand

Dallas is absolutely gorgeous!! She has the best personality and the best body, she thinks that she is inset good enough, when, she most defiantly is. If you meet a Dallas then you will most likely to want to be friends immediately. She is VERY trustworthy and very honorable. If you come in contact with a Dallas say hi or just stop by to talk for a sec.

Dallas La Grand is the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

by YoCheerGirlPayton October 8, 2020

Grand Prairie Wheelchair

The Most Swaggin Baggin Way to get around when you can't walk because of your mental or physical state. (also a popular trap song)

Jordan: Bro I can't walk!
Sam: Well I mean you can always hop in that sweet grand prairie wheelchair!

by Swagmasterfffvvff May 27, 2015

grand canyon gap

Has the term jungle gap been deemed stale like ur cum rag? Want your post-game banter to stand out from the filthy casuals? Grand Canyon Gap to the rescue! u got carried by your jungler from the depth of pisslow? GRANDCANYON GAP

19/1 smurf rengar has 6 items at 21 mins, oneshots 9 people in one combo. To your amusement, u spam Grand Canyon Gap ; he saved u from demoting. ez +16lp bby. then, u decide to duo with him/her and u ban their rengar, the duo is confused on what else to play, enemy has vayne lulu kass and all early game junglers are banned. the smurf picks a dogshit champ but for the first time in your 20 years of playing a 12 yo game you carry his ass. GRAND CANYON GAP.

by gg dog gap December 29, 2022

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