Thing that go twang twang bwang
"Eugene decided to not shoot up a school and become a god at guitar."
A slang for a gun or a pole popularized by atlanta rappers, especially homixide gang
I upped a guitar on dat fuck nigga
Guitar: n.
1. a wooden instrument for making magic sounds when a series of notes are played.
2. a LARGE penis with several tatto's on the shaft.
3. (slang) a phrase for a easily seduced woman.
1. i played a chord on my guitar
2. i played his guitar all night
3. ya, she was a guitar
3b. i played her like a guitar
the licking of one "guitar strings" is when one person eats another person's hairy rear end.
I love guitar licking after a tequila
Guitar Stores in which Stairway to Heaven is banned
I went to Guitar Center and played Stairway to Heaven and I was kicked out