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Human Grindipede

The act of multiple people grinding in a conga-line formation. Also called the grindipillar or the grind line.

"Billy was scarred for life after his first school dance because he had witnessed a human grindipede"

"Did you see how long that human grindipede was yesterday?"

by Wizard Lizard October 1, 2014

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the Human Mountain

The Human Mountain is an attention whore who walks around with a blind cane even though her vision is fine. Her stick is actually used as a weapon, as she tends to hit people in the back of the shins if they are not moving fast enough for her. It is also a warning as to where her gravitational pull begins.

The Human Mountain, also known as Hanna, has a tendency to absorb smaller people (ie everyone) into her body to obtain her nutrition. Her favourite hunting strategy is to trap smaller people in her gravitational force field and save them as snacks for later. She believes the fear they experience while trapped makes them taste better.

The Human Mountain is a rude, selfish, loner bitch and should be avoided at all costs. Once she deems you as a 'friend' (though you could only be acting nice to her to avoid being eaten) she will leech onto you forever and even resort to forcing school administration to act as counselors if you try to avoid being friends with her.

1) The Human Mountain's house used to be three levels. Now it is only one level, but with two basements!

2) "Where's Jimmy been lately?"
"Didn't you hear? The Human Mountain got him."

by P.vs.H.M. April 24, 2009

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Human Microphone

A tactic protesters can use to circumvent police bans on electronic amplification of speech. One person starts to speak to a large crowd. After a short sentence, everyone within hearing distance repeats whatever was said at the top of their lungs, allowing people outside of hearing distance to hear the speech.

The Human Microphone on Wall Street announced this speech:

"Mic Check."


"The human microphone is slow and cumbersome"


"but it really makes you think through"


"what it is you want"


"to say."

"TO SAY!!"

by Occupy Urban Dictionary October 11, 2011

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human inertia

human inertia is the force necessary to change from one state, such as watching MacGuyver escape from one more foreig prison camp with a pocket knife and an ABBA greatest hits cassette, to another state such as taking the trash out or answering the phone. Human inertia has profoundly changed the world
through repeated inaction.

Knowing he was no match for human inertia, Haans decided he would get a new cat later as opposed to getting up and letting the cat in from the blizzard.

by scottoff October 7, 2007

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Human Rights

Depending on your ideology, they're the basic rights to life, liberty, and acquiring/owning property, etc. you get from God that can't be taken away ("inalienable") or similar rights that are granted to you by (but CANNOT be exercised contrary to the will of) the United Nations.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776

"These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

United Nations - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - December 10, 1948

by mta3000 October 7, 2010

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The Human Centipede

Sexual position in which three or more people assemble single file, on all fours and place their faces in the person in front's butt cheeks. Each person in the chain then proceeds to deficate into the following person's mouth, with the last person ending the chain with their's falling to the floor.

Thus completing the Human Centipede.

Guy #1: Bro, picked up two hookers the other day and they asked me to be The human Centipede head.

Guy #2: What the fuck?! Did you do it?

Guy #1: ...

by Reke July 20, 2013

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New Human

Pronunciation: 'nu hyΓΌ-m&n' Function: noun/adjective

A 'New Human' (nex hyuman) is primarily someone who belongs to or was born after Generation Y. That's anyone born after 1978 and onwards. What makes them new is simply the fact that they have or are witnessing life in an
Indescribably unique time that also has been dubbed the mtv/net Generations where technology, culture, physical things, people, and places have all begun to merge which has spawned informatively, mentally, socially, and physically more demanding evolutions of lifestyle taken on by people that are seemingly considered to be smarter, stronger, faster, etc... based on what all has been available to them since the economic boom of the early nineteen 80's.
Another fact, which makes them new, is that since generation x, the entire World has not yet been able to agree upon a single classification for each
generation. They've each had more than a few names while the numbers of terms keep rising as the spread of confusion increases via uncontrollable global communications. These people are most definitely going to define 'The Adaptive Age' which starts at the end of the millennial generation (2003) and ends in 2025 approximately. These will be the leaders of a new breed but New Humans shall continue on being born for much time after 2025. At least until another breed of greater more uniquely different human is announced.

Anyone who was born after 1978 A.D. is a New Human.

by Garrett Sawyer August 15, 2006

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