Used as drill and grime (two types of music)
Yo that grill song from M Huncho is so nice styll
grill-urban for the word "mouth"
"I'm going to smash his grill!" means "I'm going to give him a fat lip!"
A complete koreaboo who is a huge advocate for gender and racial equality
My friend is a grill and hates the unequal gender rights handed to her gender.
from the Latin word Grillious, slob best describes grill during the long, endless days she spends locked in her room, binge watching the fresh prince of bel air or other worthless Netflix trash such as legally blondes (Le-gally blond)
If you try to approach grill during this savage period of time she will attack most likely in the form of a dig in the arm, slap in the face or worst of all, a swift kick to the balls.
The grill also spends endless hours watching the 'raucous' actions of Max and Harvey, a musically duo who would make anyone other than a 10 year old girls ears bleed and are yet considered 'music stars'
wow she/he is acting like a real grill
To stare at someone for a long time, usually in a hostile way.
“I’m gonna punch that guy if he doesn’t stop grilling me.”