A BAD BITCH. jamie is a sweet girl but don’t fuck with her she will stay calm until you finally tic her off to be honest i think the different ways you spell it the different meanings . jamie is that bitch she will hang out with the guys and she bro for real jamie is so sweet and very loyal and knows how to keep secrets very well went thru lots of shit in their life but they pull thru and in my opinion if your name jamie you strong ashit . if your name jamie you really the shit don’t let nobody tell u different.
boy- ayo that’s jamie she fine asf she a dime i got no chance.(all the boys agreeing)
jealous bitch- no she not she ugly ashit.
jamie- bitch what u say cause you acting like i wouldn’t smack the shit outta you hating ass bitch.
jealous bitch- doesn’t say nothing (is now scared)
jamie- yeah bitch try ya momma not me hoe.
Jamie can be a boy or a girl. The girl is funny,stylish and has tons of inner beauty and a large amount of outer beauty!
The boy on the other hand is mischevious,hot as hell but can still be a bit of an IDIOT! So if you see any Jamies walking around be sure to say hi and if you have a crush on them be sure to make the first move! :)
Wait is that the new kid Jamie he/she is hot
I know right!!!
A gem. Just like his father .
A brother. Like no other.
And one of the most decent and honorable men you'll ever meet.
-Oh and a fella with the hairiest legs in a 60 kilometer radius!
Jamie is a gem. Just like his father .
A brother. Like no other.
And one of the most decent and honorable men you'll ever meet.
-Oh and a fella with the hairiest legs in a 60 kilometer radius!
Jamie is a person who may be intelligent but has lots of pride and can be rude to younger people. Usually brown or black hair, like art, and hates innocent people.
Jamie is very important to the organization.
Gonna marry a Jin one day
Loves puppy's
Everybody says she is cute
An amazing person who shy at first but once you get to know her she is really nice and sounds like an anime girl, because she watches a lot of anime she also curses a lot but deep down inside she is kind hearted and nice
Me: is that my bestie
Someone: what’s her name?
Me: Jamie
Someone: of course
Jamie is an amazing person. If you meet a Jamie she’s probably Asian but she is really nice and funny and sounds like an Anime Girl. If you find a Jamie you should be her friend, but she cusses a lot once you get to know her
Me: is that Jamie my best friend