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Justin Bieber

A girl in disguise, using their diguise to become famous amongst other girls who were mean to "him" in early childhood.

Baby, Baby, Baby, OOOOOOH
-Justin Bieber

by [Enter Clever Pseudonym Here] November 28, 2011

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justin beiber

justin beiber is an ultra gay with a huge clitoris which looks like a dick

hey look justin beiber is a hero for all gays..

by punk223 June 6, 2014

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Justin Bonhiver

Extremely attractive guitarist for a band called Quietdrive. He is fond of peanut butter, and wants to marry Carrie Underwood. He's sweats more than the average human. He gives guitar lessons also. Occasionally you see him at Minnesota shows chilling out trying to avoid being a "guy".

Justin Bonhiver was at a show last night and he was leaving a sweat trail.

by anon4er43 July 16, 2010

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justin bille

Gay Porn

I watched some Justin Bille last night

by Hahahalogjsknwekcke April 14, 2014

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Justin Bustin

Nutting in a chick's pussy and then going down on her to suck it back out to avoid the eventual child support payments.

Tim had no condoms, so he decided that Justin Bustin this chick was the best way to get off but not get tied down.

by TheGuy526 April 4, 2019

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Justin Blake

Justin Blake is known as the gayest human bean on earth he has fucked a lot of people including Raegan Beast Tyler Brown and has kissed a lot of people justin is a trans guy he is very hot and makes people wet he's famous thanks to musicly and his sins justin blake is a very loveable person his fandom is better than Raegan's and any other fandom

1 : Oh my god did you see justin blake?
2 : oh my god yes he's so hot

3 : back off missy he's mine

by old mcDonald's has a chicken:) August 23, 2017

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Justin Bieber

The ultimate archetype of everything that's wrong with the music industry. Country boy turned wannabe gangster. Succubus to legions of parasitic humanoids who feed off popularity, i.e tweens. Worshipped by armies of fans who wouldnt know a decent tune if it came up to them and slapped their face repeatedly with a wet fish. Also has a legion of haters who seem to realise this also. Doesn't know what Germany is. Has a weird crush on sex crazed Rihanna, exhibiting typical stalker behaviour. Is one of a growing number of music figures whose real talent is overshadowed by their ability to sell an image of 'the next big thing' (if any). A corporate tool for music companies who should get the hint and realise their marketable teenybopper trash is killing off what is left of decent music.

Dont you just want to punch Justin Bieber in the face when he states 'who wants to make out with me right now?' during his Never say Never video? I know I do...

by Firelovesugar April 9, 2011

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