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He is that one cute/hot mysterious Mexican guy that makes your knees weak everytime he smiles, he wears very strong and masculine cologne that matches perfectly with his broad shoulders and impenetrable loyalty.

He doesn't speak much, but when he does he has a low, masculine voice that makes anything he says sound meaningful and memorable, he might even have an accent when he speaks English, but boy is that accent cute.

Girl, you better not cheat on Juan because he is one of a kind. He's too good for any girl no matter who she is, and probably too beautiful for this world.

That's one good looking Juan, I need more Juan's in my life.

Juan is so alluringly mysterious.

Girl, you better not even think about hurting Juan.

Juan is too good for this world.

by Apple_Blossom74 September 28, 2021


Juan is a mexican beaner who usually gets left out because he always talking about dirty but always gets a boner when he meets a girl

Omg do you know juan yes girl he gives me creeps

by Livycrackheads September 13, 2020


Juan, is a guy who is shy but outgoing when he get close to you. He is funny person. He's a guy you want to date. He will show you off to his homies. He'll tell his mom about you. He's serious about his sport he plays. He loves when you call him cute little names. He'll want to spoon you until you fall asleep. He is a guy everyone wants. If you meet a Juan, don't let him go. He's very sensitive person and easily gets jealous when your around other guys. He wants you, to be his and only his.He falls in love quickly, and can't stop unloving you. Though he gets very confused, so its tricky. A guy with a perfect smile, and eyes you can get lost in.. don't let go

Juan "Yo Jaylen, I think I'm in love with Aaliyah.. wait no, I know I am"
Jaylen " I already knew this by the way you talk about her! Even your mother knows. Me and her talked about it"
Juan "So I tell her, right?"
Jaylen " duh"

by cam.mm October 27, 2019


juan is a boy that is obsessed with his ex girlfriend that cheated on him and he will do anything to get her back. he even got with another girl and then broke up with her to get back at herđź’€

juan: i really miss her man

his friend: stop your gonna get hurt again

by loverboy0920 February 19, 2023


Juan is commonly referred to someone who’s “All talk” or Doesn’t stand on their word.

You’re a “Juan” fr.

by TreGoCray March 11, 2022


Juan is a person that is funny and kind two people he might be quite and shy but when he knows you really good he talks a lot and he is good with ladies. he tries to cheer up people and make them laugh while he has 1000 problemas in his mind. when he gets home he sum times be depress and he likes old corridos and spanish trap

juan pulls a lot of girls ;)

by Not the real juan November 21, 2021


Un pendejo que le gusta mamar bicho

Juan es un pendejo

by Juan David December 11, 2021