Today is your lucky day. Don't know why?
It is because today you kan spit on any midget at his/hers face. Make sure to spit twice if the midget is named Zack.
"I've always wanted to spit on a midget, OH My! It's spit on a midget day. How nice.
Time to go and spit on my friend Zack, cause he is a horny motherfucker.
The Midget wrench is the act of beating off as a miget
Have you seen Carl around yeah I saw that tiny perverted fuck on the can doing the midget wrench
mind midget is when you get in your own head about everything, it is another word for overthinking
“run the 400 in track don’t be a mind midget” -mr nelson 03/30/22
A Midget blowing your dick it usually feels good unless they're too short and blowing the underside of your penis
"Ooooh that was a great midget blowjob I'll make sure to pay you by friday"
Person- your a buff midget
Corbin- what does that even mean
Person- short thick boi
Midget is just libby in a nutshell
I’m a midget If you need £3 meal deals just hit me up libbypaton1
A short person who is filled with anger and is always aggresive. They are most commonly named Angelina. The anger has nowhere to go within the short body therefore it always explodes at once causing physical harm to those around.
Angelina is a midget, right Michael and Ale?