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(Noun and verb)

What happens to you when you watch a TV show online and they force you to watch an ad every 5 mins.

You watch a 40min show and you are shown 8 ads (worst if they are the same). You feel ad-raped from being forced to watch these ads. You say "I hate this ad-rape".

by AgeKay April 26, 2009

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Timeline Rape

When a friend on the popular social-networking website 'Facebook', frequently posts (or tags you) on your Timeline with content that obviously elicits your approval (or otherwise useless content) in an effort to gain your attention, publicize your relationship, or to simply annoy you.

Abraham Lincoln (Status Update)
"Go Wildcats!"
2 hours ago

Ulysses S. Grant likes your status "Go Wildcats!"
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Wildcats beat Jayhawks
Ulysses S. Grant tagged you in a post: "Gettysburg address. -- with Abraham Lincoln"
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Gettysburg Address- Full Speech
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Feline Fetishes

//Good ol' Abe doesn't need to call out Ulysses for this incident as all their mutual friends can clearly see without a doubt, this instance of Timeline Rape.

by someguyinanambulance October 8, 2012

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Line Rape

To penetrate into a line without notice, successfully embedding oneself into the line.

Ted: 'Dude, this line is long!'
Ben: 'Wanna line rape it?'

by kev May 4, 2014

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Bubble Rape

The act of invading someones personal space with out their permission to do so.

"Dude, Devin totally just bubble raped Bo..."

"Yeah, his finger was all up in his grillz!"

by Hellan Keller December 17, 2009

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Capital Rape

The act of exploiting the Caps Lock or Shift Key in manners it wasn't ever meant to be used for, such as randomly capitalizing letters, typing in all capitals, adding more symbols or figures than necessary, or not using it at all.

lYk OmG i lUv kYlE hE tHe BeSt EvAr KyLe aN jEnNy 4-EvA!



~*~*~*~*~*~*~looK aT mE, aint iT cuTE wHen i tYpE wItH tHe ShApEs?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

i dont need 2 typ rt im 2 hottt 4 dat shit lol

by Koma April 16, 2005

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Brain Rape

1. To make someone visualise something they don't want to - usually disgusting stuff.

2. To get something out of someone's head by intimidation or force.

1. A - Hey my mum and dad were half naked and making out.
B - Eww that's gross - stop brain raping me!

2. I was at a meeting with some clients - they couldn't stop brain raping me for ideas!

by W_DRagon May 5, 2005

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Booty Rape

When your friend goes up to you and attacks you, and you defend yourself by shanking them, they will yell "Booty Rape!" This exclamation means that you have molested them in a way because you touched them when they didn't want to be touched.

Ahhhh! Booty Rape!
John was "booty raped" by his friend Sam because he playfully hit him.

by BootyRape_123 April 2, 2018

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