Slang for the mosin-nagant bolt-action service rifle, often used by members of the gun comunity. The name came to be du to the heavy trigger and cumbersome two-piece bolt design. Its also a nod to the poor quality many of the rifles have (due to the soviet governents heavy emphasis on quantity over quality)
Matt: John bought another mosin.
Tom: seriously? i thought he had enough trash rods as it was!
Matt: yea, he claims their better than other rifles.
Tom: poor guy. someones gotta teach him what a propper rifle is.
Someone who thinks they’re hot shit, even at such an “old” age.
Dude, my grandpa is sooooo Rod Stewart Old, like we get it, you fought in a war, big deal.
A hardened object that faggots use to measure the depth of one another's butt hole.
Quick, grab the rainbow rod let's see if this will fit up Billy's ass.
stanky and fishy stanky and fishy
hey did you guys hear what mckenna rod said?
no i heard she stinks
a euphemism for masturbation
"i was polishing the rod the other day"
A 1990 arcade game. Also known as Yousei Monogatari Rod Land, or Rod Land: A Fairytale.
The story follows Tam and Rit as they try and rescue their mother who's been taken away to a tower filled with (cute) monsters.
Average Joe: "boy, I haven't been this bored in ages!"
Average Joe's friend: "why don't you go run through rod land then?"
Average Joe: "people still play that??"