The male version/equivalent of the insult that refers to someone as a Karen. A name that's sometimes equated with the word shame and acting shamefully towards others.
He's such a Shane. A Shane to all. Whatever you say "Shane".
Shane is a fluffy black hair guy. He is a great friend but goes threw so much. He is a blue greenish eyed fella and is very hot. He has a massive dick and will fuck anyone. he goes for short blonde but has many brunette girl best friends. His girl best friend Marie is a complicated girl she causes arguements a lot and changes the story but she is fun to hang out with just not a good friend. Shane likes Marie in a friend way .but his other gbsf her name is Jasmine and she has short brown hair they’ve been bsf since elementary and she has liked him for a while there are rumors going on that Shane and her are talking .but Shane is denying it to everyone while Jasmine is telling some people that they are. Is jasmine lying or is Shane. Who knows?
Hey Shane is it true you and Jasmine are talking?
An extremely kind boy, often average height with hazel eyes. If you ever meet a Shane, he'll be the nicest person you ever meet. Shane often has no self-worth, putting others before himself. Despite all his kindness, making a Shane mad is the most terrifying experience you'll have, as their anger will be unmatched. Shane often shows anyone and everything kindness, even over the smallest things, and will go to great lengths to make sure those he cares about are okay.
"OMG, Shane is SOO NICE!"
"I know, i just talked to him earlier!"
"He who carries the weight of the world; the one with eternal sadness"
- Joshua 10:13
"Shane; He who carries the weight of the world; the one with eternal sadness"
The sexiest asian you will ever meet. He is also a very good boyfriend, a smart guy who doesn't really know his way around girls but is very cheesy and random
Person a: Who is that new guy?
Person b: That's Shane.
Person a: Damn i wish he was my boyfriend
i miss u so bad;( do you remember me? blue jeans song, happy birthday song that I made for you on your birthday on April 18, 2021, omg time feels faster than usual and every time I always think of you :) I hope you are fine i love u shanee💌
I hope someday you see this, I always love you shanekjs
Shane is the type of girl to be somewhat a shy person and not social.When you get to know her she kinda opens up to you and you’ll see a whole new person.Also they are the MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE TO EXIST I WOULD DIE TO DATE THEM
(Oh and if the Shane I know is reading this ily<3)