When a tattoo artist takes your mom out to a fondue restaurant and gives her the cold shoulder after the date
Man that seasick rapper tattoo guy took my mom out to the melting pot and didn't even give her a call back
-dam that nigga savage
Doing something that is against a rule of an area. (From 2017)
When he was questioned for breaking the law he said "savage"
Very cruel, violet or badass (sometimes used as a complement)
A battle occurred as soon as the savage criminal appeared
A person that doesn’t care,is a daredevil,and like to be extreme
Boy:damn,whay are you doing dangerous stuff
That person:Bc I’m a savage
What every single sixth grader wants to be, even though the worst they do is use their phones in class.
Student A: *Uses their phone when the teacher is teaching a lesson*
Student B: *Sees Student A on their phone* Savage!!!