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skank queen

a term used to identify the queen of all skanks. period.

person 1: hey look at that skank over there!

person 2: man that's not just a skank thats the skank queen!

by queenskank December 24, 2009


when your a freshman skank

student 1: that chicks a slut; isnt she a freshman

Student:yeah she is a total skank-fish

by marty mcfly-er November 5, 2010

Skank fish

Everyone says "theres always fish in the sea." and while this is true I have found woman and men have the ability to be Smitten over someone one week and then telling everyone how in love they are with their new gf or bf. The worest fish in the sea... to catch....Succubus, heart breaking horrible excuse for a soul mate... SKANK FISH

"I can't get back together with my ex because shes a skank fish."

by MamaChaos August 22, 2012


Someone who dresses like a skank or slut, but don't give it to just anyone. Not to be confused with "tease".

" I want to wear something that says skank-a-lank. How about this?"

Friend1: Girl, you look like a skank-a-lank!
Friend2: Should I change?
Friend1: Nah, everyone knows you aren't a hoe.

by Alexis19 February 7, 2012

Skank Muffin

Muffin topped anal prolapse of a slut

My sister has skank muffin, it smells terrible

by Harambe's Revenge September 13, 2016

Jank skank

A girl who wants to fuck any person : w/ drugs or money and chases bags .

{Jank skank}

A girl who wants to fuck any person : w/ drugs or money and chases bags.

Betty : them damn jank skank s won't stop with my man

Wilma: jank {skank} s well I say let's woop their a$$

by Jank skank March 18, 2019

Pier skank

A sex worker who primarily hangs around beach towns. Is often sun burnt, in need of a shower and wearing cheap plastic flip flops. Their pandhandling game is as fishy as there clothes.

Did you see that Pier skank down by the beach?

That dirty Pier skank just hit me up for money.

by CaptPeaches November 29, 2020