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Stoner Panda

A really awesome and amazing person! They will always be there for you! They will do stupid, silly, and crazy things with you because they believe you are best friends. This person usually never dates and doesn't want to. This person just wants friends and to help others. The only thing is this person usually smokes marijuana. They are usually high and will always boost your confidence.

Person: I want to go on that roller coaster.
Stoner Panda: You can do it!!!

by StonerPanda666 August 4, 2016

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Magyver Stoner

a person who can make a pipe out of almost anything.
popularized by nick swardson.
introduced to me first by jesse clark.

jesse made a pipe out of an orange, and a bong out of a dr. pepper bottle. there fore he is a "magyver stoner"

by Sammy22334434556564 June 2, 2009

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loner stoner

when one of ur eyes is mad more fucked up lookin than the other one after u've somked some weed

"why is ur one eye so fucked up lookin hahaha"
"its a loner stoner hahaha"
(remember u have to be high to have one... otherwise u've just got a lazy eye)

by katiepotatiefool June 2, 2009

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Proud Stoner

A Proud Stoner is the oppisite of a Pot Head because a Proud Stoner gets high cause he/she likes the feeeling a Pot Head gets high because he is addicted and can't give it up. A Proud Stoner starts and stops getting high on his/her on accord.

Alice: So Brittany ever had something you tried to quit but couldn't cause your addicted?
Me: Nope cause everything I start I don't wanna stop if I wanted stop I wouldn't have started and I've never been addicted to anything.
Alice: Stupid Pot Head
Me: No Proud Stoner theres a difference Bitch!

by Proud.Stoner.Bates! December 20, 2011

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Stoner Fucks

A person who can't remember shit, because they are stoned as fuck a majority of the time.

Taco and Rosey are big ass Stoner Fucks.

by Cheese gradders July 23, 2008

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Stoner girl

A girl who doesn't have enough personality so she calls herself a stoner. They usually wear weed and stoner clothing to act the part.
It's just another group of people that try to act differently then fake girls but ends up still being fake.

Most likely the same girls that say "I hang out with guys cause' they don't have drama xD"
>>Get yourself a girl that smokes weed, not one that says they're a stoner.<<

"Lmao! I'm not your average girl. I'm a stoner girl!!!!"

by pseudank August 18, 2017

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stoner lighting

The act of running or avoiding the authorities while high on marijuana or a cannabis product.

With the Red Blue flashing down the road, the fled like stoner lightning

by Redman April 26, 2005

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