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sweet life

pretty self explanatory.. when someone has a sweet life, there life is going pretty good at the time. Or it also can be used sarcastically when that person's life is not so sweet.

girl: Dude! I just got a nice new car for my 16th birthday
friend: sweet life! :-D

or in a more sarcastic way..

girl: Dude my parents are making me take a pottery class and go country line dancing with them
friend (mocking her): hahahaha sweet life?

by hollabackgurrlll April 21, 2005

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sweetness and light

a compliment, usually given to a woman whom you are very familiar with but occasionally she grates on you (as in pussy whipped )

Of course I'd like to take you to the prom, Oh Sweetness and Light !

by Jake March 2, 2004

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Sweet Sensation

Latin Freestyle trio who lorded over the bulk of other freestyle acts in the 80s because of a slew of remixes by Omar Santana of tracks from their debut album "Take It While It's Hot." Top tracks that received this treatment include the title track, "Never Let You Go," Victim of Love" and "Hooked on You." Their other major hits included "Sincerely Yours," "Love Child" and their only Billboard #1 pop track "If Wishes Came True."

Wow Omar Santana's mixes of Sweet Sensation actually kick ass. Unlike alot of other freestyle which sucks.

by wank September 6, 2004

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Sweet Tea

Noun: A southern drink made with brewed black tea and water in the normal ratio but extra high sugar content; generally exceeding soda.

That fat landwhale and her sweet tea!

How sweet do you need something? Sweet tea is liquid sugar.

Fat people drink sweet tea.

by Power Sprayer September 9, 2020

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sweet and pretty

How you describe a girl who has amazing hair, sparkling eyes, and the best face. Most beautiful girl you know. If she gets a compliment about her beauty she will always return a compliment about how beautiful the person who complimented her is. Even if they are a fugly, fat loser. Makes you feel amazing and unable to stop smiling.

Girl 1(short and greasy hair, grandma glasses, and atrocious braces): I love your hair today it's super pretty when it's wavy.
Girl 2(long flowing hair, nice glasses, perfect teeth): Aww thanks! You are so cute and I love your glasses!
Girl 1(super big grin): Thank you so much! You are so sweet and pretty.

by BookAndMathNerd April 7, 2016

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Sweet Pandemonium

-The sweet bitterness of satisfying chaos.

-"Sweet Pandemonium" From the Band- "HIM"

I walked into the crowd and found nothing but sweet pandemonium.

by ยปFrรคgยซ May 21, 2005

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Sweet Niblets

Hannah Montana's common phrase of exclamation, designed to denote her southern roots.

However, it also has a hidden reference to Hillbilly corn, because they (her family) are from Tennessee, and her relationship to Dolly Parton.

This reference can be seen in The Beverly Hillbillies and the song "Rocky Top (Tennessee)" (by the Osbourne Brothers)

"Oh, sweet niblets!"

The hidden reference;

"Corn won't grow on Rocky Top ... that's why folks on Rocky Top get their corn from a jar" - "Rocky Top (Tennessee)" (by the Osbourne Brothers)

by Sweet Lady Jane July 17, 2009

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