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Mom hips

A woman or girl with wide hips and a thick ass.

โ€œDamn that girl got some mom hips she thiccc afโ€

by Seejay dubs July 16, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nauck's Mom

The entity of which a man feels successful in a sexual experience and feels as if he just got 'a free one'. Founded by Christopher Nauck, made famous by Coach T. Often the result of a good day, lose of weight, and burning sensation in said trousers. Usually the said word, is followed by the abbreviation FTW (For the Win).

1."I'm kinda horny, maybe I'll go to Michelle's and Nauck's mom her all night long!"

2."So what're you doing for the weekend?"

"Nauck's Mom, FTW!!!"

3. "Dude that girl that just walked by is at least an eight.

"Nahh, brah I'll give that a Nauck's Mom!!

by Idk779 January 24, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soccer Mom

A white middle-to-upper-middle class woman, generally aged 30-55. Has the requisite 2.3 kids. Usually the product of a loveless childhood and an equally loveless marriage as the trophy wife of an up-and-coming executive or professional. Motto is "my kids are my life". Refers to her kids as "my Precious Little Angels" (PLAs) or "God's Gifts to Me" (GGTMs), and believes the entire world exists just for the benefit of her PLAs. Terrified that child molesters are lurking behind every bush, and that gays are determined to "recruit" her PLAs. Obsessed with whatever is the latest "danger to kids" being promoted that week on Oprah or Dr. Phil or the latest Parenting Magazine. The Soccer Mom is constantly badgering school officials and politicians, promoting the latest "nanny law/regulation" to protect the GGTMs. Usually fundie or conserviative Christian with a cult-like obsession, and makes sure her PLAs participate in choir and church soccer camps (hence the term: "Soccer Mom"). Extremely controlling of the social life of the GGTMs, repressing all independent thought, and all signs of non-conformity. The GGTMs teen years are marked by Ritalin and trips to high priced child psychologists. The PLA daughter often grows up to be an XXX rated porn star, while the PLA son becomes a transvestite drummer in a punk rock band.

The Soccer Mom has been the artistic inspiraton for outstanding movies such as "Diary of a Mad Housewife" and "The Betty Broderick Story". Also classic songs such as "Harper Valley PTA".

by frantic1971 March 25, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pageant Mom

Woman in her mid forties who pushes her young child to be in pageants to live vicariously through that child. Delirious to how a normal child should be raised and a complete dumb bitch. Notorious for harboring the future strippers of America.

That Pageant mom is the reason my tanning store is still in business.

by Justice S. Erved February 7, 2010

66๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soccer mom

Stupid,arogant whiny bitches like the person who wrote definition #87 who think they're brave because they can sware on teh web (If anyone corrects me 'cause they're stupid enough cunts to think that was supposed to read 'the web', I'll shoot them), even though they can't spell the word 'curse'.

Joe: Really? Some dumbass soccer mom missspelled 'curse'?
Bob: Yeah, dude.

by Wouldn't you like to know?. November 8, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

mom and dad

when a couple is so cute they resemble your mom and dad ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ GOALSS

"OMG Jack and Madison are so cute! They are my mom and dad!"

by yabitchwhoknows November 5, 2015

74๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your mom

the most effective phrase to piss someone off.

someguy:thats dumb.
me:your mom is dumb.
someguy:you are juvinile and ugly.
me:your mom is juvinile and ugly.
someguy:uuugg...goddammit *head explodes*

by satanic ninja January 29, 2004

710๐Ÿ‘ 282๐Ÿ‘Ž