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status jacker

one who copies and pastes others staus updates and uses them as their own. this behaviour is only acceptable if a link to the original author is included, as to give them the credit.

did you see what johns status is? he status jacked me! john is a status jacker!

by howareya3896 February 2, 2013

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Sympathy Status

Sympathy Statuses are most commonly used by the LG of kind. They complain about their lives on facebook to get sympathy and attention.

"Jenny constantly updates sympathy statuses. It annoys me."

"Bob posted another sympathy status. It made me wanna like it."

by ChasingGrace September 26, 2011

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Status Textilepticus

When someone is triggered and begins to text impulsively out of anger and emotion.

Michael became upset because I slept with his mother and went full blown Status Textilepticus, when he started sending me messages.

by JayyTheOrc April 5, 2019

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Lion Status

Duck tape each finished beer can around your head like a mane.

"Oh man...i gained lion status last night."
*high fives all around*

by ice cream wizard July 19, 2010

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black status

1. When your tan gets so insane that people start asking you if your ancestors were slaves.
2. When youre white and you friend call you his nigglet

Im tellin you, Sam got that black status goin on maaaan

by Te61 April 7, 2016

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Status Quoc

The existing state of affairs within a group of irresponsible delinquents.

Person 1 β€˜Let’s eat supers at Riva’

Person 2 β€˜isn’t that the status quoc’

by Prince Quoc December 28, 2022

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Status Breakup

When you are in a joke relationship on facebook, and you have to break the news to your friend that you are ending your relationship status with them. (usually becuase there is an actually relationship you just got in)
Similar to a Facebook Breakup, except you real-life interactions generally remain the same. The breakup is ONLY on facebook.

"Hey. Karl didnt take the status breakup so well. He still wants to be in a Civil Union"

by BiiigZ September 25, 2011

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