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mother lode

Originally meaning a main vein in mining, the spelling “motherload” is a mistake which is probably influenced by people thinking it means “the mother of all heavy loads.”

A “lode” was originally a stream of water, but by analogy it became a vein of metal ore. A vein of mineral ore deposited between clearly demarcated layers of rock ahdictionary dot com Miners of precious metals live to find a 'lode' of gold, which they refer to as a “mother lode,” often spelled as two words, sometimes as one (neither is in the dictionary though).

Definition paraphrased from Washington State University website

Son of a bitch, we struck the mother lode! in the 1976 classic film Network

by Real GURU November 24, 2020

Mother 3

a game released on the gameboy advance (a Handheld device the released on June 11, 2001 for north america) that was released on April 20, 2006. But this game never left japan.

Person 1: Come on reggie give us Mother 3
Reggie: N O

by Bruhman69421 October 8, 2020

mother dicker

Someone who dicks mother's.

You see Steve over there? He docked your mom last night. What a mother dicker.

by Clemon2589 December 2, 2020

Mother bitcher

Mother bitcher is when you litteraly dont know how to swear and say anything that comes to your mouth

"You mother bitcher, I swear to cum bro you always vagina."
"Thats not how you swear..."

by ImSleepyYT May 13, 2023

Unusual Mother

A weird, geeky, gothy, nerdy, alt, and/or strange mom of one or more sticky, loud, ridiculous, crazy monster called a child.

Lena is dancing to Spooky, Scary Skeletons with her kids in the front yard at midnight with witch hats and broomsticks in April *again*, she's such an unusual mother.

by lenavanvintage March 25, 2022

milk mother

a milk mother is a plump woman usually tall that has big tiddies and thicc warm thighs

"what's the opposite of a loli, a milk mother"

by thenoncanonloli September 6, 2019

Mother Stapper

a substitute for using Mother Fucker

you dirty little Mother Stapper

by Wolfie1984 October 3, 2009