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Twitter Double-Double

The rare moment when one receives at least 10 Retweets and 10 Favorites. It requires a dedicated fan base, and for celebrities it is 10,000 Retweets and 10,000 Favorites. The Twitter Double-Double will not be counted if you are asking for retweets/favorites in order to receive something in return.

Joe: "John, your tweet got 12 Retweets and 11 Favorites!"

John: "No way! I got a Twitter Double-Double!"

by mdale June 30, 2013

fiat 500 twitter

To be a part of fiat 500 twitter you must:
- Stand in front of a door in your twitter avi

- Tweet about your boyfriend and how much of a psycho you are
- Tweet about how much you fancy a Chinese/McDonald's

- Want to get your hair and nails done
- Use emojis unironically

She’s a basic bitch, she’s deffo a part of Fiat 500 Twitter.

by boriniboy January 5, 2018

100👍 10👎

fake woke twitter

people digging back many years to find something problematic about currently unproblematic people so they can "cancel" them

not to be confused with woke twitter

Fake woke twitter is annoying and needs to stop digging up irrelevant shit celebrities did in the past that has been apologized for and learned from.

by spilledtea March 8, 2018

66👍 6👎

Stan twitter

Mostly young teenagers and young adults who spread more awareness and reliable information than mainstream media during times of injustice.

"Oh did you hear? Stan twitter took over informing protesters where police was shooting with rubber bullets."

"Stan Twitter took 2 hours to start protesting and voicing anger against injustice while (white) celebrities and influencers took three days to think about the situation."

by Habitofthebrave May 31, 2020

15👍 148👎


When a wannabe-stalker (most likely a fat,lazy nerd) decides to save time and energy on his illegal actions by just reading people's Twitter updates and imagining their situations.

Bob was arrested for Twitter-Stalking a supermodel.

by Tom Scaret September 5, 2009

4👍 22👎

Twitter Bitch

If one has more following than followers by margin of 15 (i.e 50 following but 35 followers) he or she is a twitter bitch.

This bitch is a twitter bitch.

by twitter123445 September 3, 2011

2👍 8👎

Shea Butter Twitter

A subsection of black twitter. Shea Butter Twitter typically consists of users who get online and intentionally misinterpret and over analyze everything to start unnecessary discourse. A lot of them love to tweet out hot topic phrases such as “Protect Black Women”, but don’t actually mean it due to them only wanting to protect the certain black women.

Subtle reminder: Do NOT say Protect Black Women if you don’t mean ALL BLACK WOMEN.

Some of shea butter twitter’s users favorite activities is sharing hypocritical think pieces.

Most shea butter twitter users will claim to support someone and use their name for engagements on their accounts, when in actuality, they wouldn’t care less for the individual any other time. Most, if not all, shea butter twitter users are fake woke. They particularly do not care about the situations they rant and rave about on the internet. If it makes them look good, they tend to “care” for a bit, then move on to the next thing. If it makes them look good, they’re on it.

Oh there goes Shea Butter Twitter again, acting like they support someone when they really don’t.

by I Tell The Whole Real Truth November 18, 2022

140👍 12👎