Source Code

west wind karate

the best martial arts program in the world

west wind karate is bad ass

by fourscarf353719 my gamertag April 4, 2022

Wind chiming

An action, two pairs of ballsacks politely tapping together during sex

I could totally hear Adam and Jeff wind chiming upstairs last night!

by Nastyb August 6, 2022

Wind chiming

When a man if fucking another man doggystyle and their genitalia audibly slap together.

These hotel walls are so thing I can hear the queers next door wind chiming.

by Bobby Twoshoes March 25, 2024

because of the wind

When the smoke alarm goes off.

The smoke alarm went off because of the wind.

by Debskelly1985 March 12, 2023

wind tax

the phrase (used in the UK) that refers to how much faster a joint finishes when it’s windy outside. this is because the stonger the wind is, the faster the smoke will be lost/blown out, so essentially the wind is “taxing” your smoke.

“Aw where’s half my zoot gone?! I know I haven’t smoked that much…”

“That’s wind tax for you.”

*tiny violin*

by 4four20twenty_ January 15, 2025

foul wind ensemble

A gathering of four or more friends or acquaintances who suffer from extraordinary flatulance.

I'll think we'll skip the foul wind ensemble tonight if we serve something other than chili.

by Lizard boots and Lipshitz May 27, 2018

Wind your dick in

When a man tries to use his perceived male superiority (physical, intellect, experience, seniority at work etc), this phrase can be offered in response by a female. Can be useful in dealing with attempts at mansplaining.

Derived from the phrase “wind your neck in”.

I didn’t ask to be told how to get the computer to work, Roger. Wind your dick in!”

by Wight Eggy January 22, 2025