most scray creature of all. you will find yourself getting fucked in the situation, which you never imagined and in conversation, which you thought do not exist after sex. evolution defined women as someone need for procreation and left the room.
women are the same fucking thing as men but with different physical characteristics, you should stop making comparisons unnecessarily and not discriminate against any of these genders.
"Women can be as successful as men"
words cant describe my love for women , they are so bloody pretty , i would marry a women if i had the chance to , women are love , women are life.
"omg i love women so much , i wanna make out with women"
Women is by definition dumb
You know women? Yeah. women they dumb!
A species of human that can’t decide were to eat and are very emotional there natural enclosure is the women's bathroom were they will group up to prove dominance over the other women