Source Code

Dripping Chicken

A chicken that was saved from a river by Kelley Sausage

Person 1: Hey did you hear about the dripping chicken?
Person 2: Yeah I did, didn't Kelley Sausage save it?
Person 1: yes, he did

by Lizzy_lewis74 November 30, 2023

platinum drip

The Drippest Drip you can in New Vegas

“I spent two centuries searching for the platinum drip it’s my inventory my property mine now be a good courier and deliver it!”


by Nein September 29, 2021

Stop Dripping turpentine

The most innocent way possible to tell someone to stop being horny.

(This definition is influenced by the definition of someone "leaking oil" meaning "to be on their period")

Friend 1: I'm ovulating
Friend 2: Stop dripping turpentine!!

by AReallyRandomDude December 24, 2024

National Drip Day

December 11th is the day where everyone wears their most “Dripped Out Fits” whoever has the best fit wins.

What are you wearing for National Drip Day

by National Drip Day December 12, 2019

National Drip Day

National Drip Day is held on September 30th.

Everyone must wear their iciest drip.

Those who do not bring their icy drip will be deviously licked from existence by the Drip God.

Guy #1: Hey bro where's your drip? It's National Drip Day.
Guy#2: What? Wym?
Guy#1: Oh God Oh No.

Guy#2: *Ceases to exist*

by Neon_Cancer September 29, 2021

sack drip

the bead of sweat that drips off a man's scrotum.

You are a sack drip.

by T-man1234 October 5, 2010


The act of having precum run in her mouth while pretending to be a facet.

Dude I went to this party last night right, and woke up with Drip-Drizzle.

by Cum Again March 29, 2022