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chuck hole gangster

The chuck hole being the hole in the door that you are served food through in jail or prison so you can be served while the door is still locked. A chuck hole gangster is an inmate that yells through the chuck hole about how bad ass he is but then can't back it up once the door is open.

Man I thought that black kid was probably very good at fighting the way he talked.....but when the doors opened we saw he was just a chuck hole gangster.

by Vera Chainsaw August 12, 2021

Wannabe gangsters

Teens who live in an upper middle class suburb with high income families and loving parents, but want to act like there from the hood. They throw fake gang signs, sag their pants, and think they have opps. Tend to say that they’re from the trenches and know the struggle but their mother drives a Range Rover and they live in a 2 million dollar house. They genuinely belive there hard but would not Survive even 2 hours in an actual low income neighborhood.

Wannabe gangsters: cuh, you don’t know the struggle I’m from da streets

Person: shut the fuck up you were on vacation to Paris last month

by Who?asked? March 19, 2024

Wanna be gangster

Moey Obeid

Moey thinks he’s a gangster, he’s just a wanna be gangster

by Bob17326 March 15, 2024

Hacker Gangster

A Nerd Gangster Who Exploits Physics and Literally just Everything... In real life

Random Kid: Wow is that a Nerd Gangster *Sees Hacker Gangster Just Fly By Exploiting Physics*
Random Kid: Gets Obliterated after witnessing a Hacker Gangster Exploit something

by A Anonymous Nerd October 1, 2020

Homie gangster

A person that is just great and always playin with the boys and doesn’t SIMP.there all for the boys

Guy:Frankco he’s a homie gangster.
Guy 2: Yea dude he gets on the craft whenever

by Frankco26 April 14, 2020

greentube gangsters

people that throw their empty green tube at the stop sign on the corner of Harrison ave and Castle hill ave.

a litter bug contributing to a well known smoking spot

"Look at all those green tubes. Those greentube gangsters really smoke a lot of weed."

by joe diiirt June 11, 2009


A person of respected power that has controll over convincing people as a mass to handle situations"business- for them." Also territorial and not a person to overthrow for thee may face the consequences.

Those gangsters gave grandma the money for the morgage however they want a share in grandma and grandpas stocks.

by Castrova March 28, 2022