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Krojsent Breaking

Act in art

Shown is breaking Krojsenta which means sharing with someone.

I Krojsent Breaking because he did not have cookie.

by MorteX March 20, 2020

Steez Break

A phrase often used by central south african school boys to inform each other to meet in the bathroom to smoke/vape

Tumi: Pass the steez

by Nyash Warrior 69420 July 31, 2022

Tab break

Any activity that involves smoking and usually, but not exclusively, shit talking. Usually a tab break is accompanied by the consumption of Mountain Dew.

Mark: Tab break.
Shane: OOOooh

by ZakBird November 19, 2011

Station Break

A term used to bang a female in a gas station bathroom

Person:hey hold on a second bro, I got to take a station break with this hot chick
Person on phone: OK see ya later

by honeybadger69420 September 1, 2019

double break

The act of taking a coffee break twice the length its supposed to be. Commonly done by slackers, or stupid people.

I take 30 mins breaks at IGA, thus i am double breakn it

by C Unit December 9, 2004

stacking breaks

An old saying in the stand-up comedy world, typically used as a way to brag about how well one did in their stand-up set. Can also be used as a way of casually bragging about how well one does something more generic. Frequently shortened to "stackin'" or "stacking" or "stacked."

Elliott: Mike's killing it up there, he's stacking breaks!

Steve: I fucking stacked tonight, man.

by talkingbanter November 11, 2020

Garage Break

A legal way of saying you're going to smoke weed.

I'll be right back. I'm going for a garage break.

by Assassin5953 September 15, 2017