A giggle in a jar that when it’s released, it explodes and can never be cleaned up. The brooklyn species usually lives in caves near the north pole or tropics. They are very rare and DANGEROUS! Watch out the. Brooklys are going to rule the world someday
The brooklyns are coming the Brooklyns are coming!!!!!!
Giving/recieving a wedgie on the brooklyn bridge
'I gave your brother a brooklyn wedgie the other day'
A brooklyn brim is basically a hat for new york !
Brooklyn brim wit my eyes sitting lowwwwww - beyonce knowles
A suburb of Minneapolis. The police were in suburb when Daunte Wright was killed, and there are black people who live in the suburbs, small towns, or even out in the country, and white people who live in cities, so it's not as much a matter of where they were when it happened as it was a matter of someone they don't think of as looking like them that seems to effect the way the police woud act around two different people if one were white and one were black. The guy might look somewhat like a human to them, but he has weird hair, skin, and eyes, so they don't trust him entirely the way they might trust a guy with hair, skin, or eyes closer to the way theirs look. A guy that looks more like them wouldn't seem as crazy to them.
Brooklyn center is a suburb, and the olice still weren't acting the way somebody might think police would act in a suburb when Daunte Wright was killed. It had nothing to do with where they were, but with what the guy looked like.