When a person trolls or otherwise provokes another person on purpose to get them agitated, just so that they can bully them even more over the fact that the other person got agitated in the first place.
Person #1: "Aargh! I just fucked up and ended up in a real bad situation."
Person #2: "Lol, why so mad bruh, have you tried not being retarded?"
Person #1: "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!! Stop trap bullying me!"
When a person trolls or otherwise provokes another person on purpose to get them agitated, just so that they can bully them even more over the fact that the other person got agitated in the first place.
Similar to trolling, but somewhat different as it's often used by players of online games to bait one another into i.e. a ban from a server by reporting the reaction to moderators, a very common tactic in toxic online gaming communities, specifically in aggressive-type survival and FPS games.
Trap bullying is weaponized rhetoric used especially against those who might be easily provoked (such as those with autism, Asperger's Syndrome etc.)
Person #1: "Aargh! I just fucked up and ended up in a real bad situation."
Person #2: "Lol, why so mad bruh, have you tried not being retarded?"
Person #1: "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!! Stop trap bullying me!"
every may 22nd you get to bully an sn-grinder (They Cannot Fight Back)
kisaragi: hey tmr is bully sns day
atr: let's kill the catfemboy
ddude he’s so hot goddamn
look, he’s buff too, maybe a furry too but it’s okay i’ll support him 💞
bro, i think the bonnie mask bully is gay…
waht the fuck
a movement to make bullying great again
yo quan lets make bullying great again
In US English it would be institutionalized bullying. It is what Will McKenzie had to go through on The Inbetweeners when he did his work experience at a garage instead of at a local newspaper. The guys at the garage would humiliate and degrade Will and eventually order him out for a pint. After they had the pint and left the pub they crept up behind him, pulled his trousers and shirt down so you could only see his underpants and placed him in the boot of their car. They then drove him to a pond and threw him into the water practically naked. Now thats some institutionalised bullying for you.
Will (as character): Please my allergies!!!
Garage worker: Bet you wasn't expectin' that was ye mastermind. See you t'morra.
Will (as naratar): Institutionalised bullying wasn't quite the work experience I had in mind. But I knew how to deal with bullies, I got my mum to tell the teacher.
he’s a bully but it’ll buff. he knows almost every disney theme song.
he can’t fight, at all.