Source Code

coke binger ginger

binger in modern days describes someone addicted to cocaine.

β€œGinger” is a legendary race passed down from Prometheus.

β€œCoke binger ginger” means a legendary drug abuser

James of the house of cossington, is a coke binger ginger. A drug addict and a ginger god. !!

by Ramos23 October 8, 2021

Poor Man's Coke

when you cant afford coca cola so you have to buy faygo or other 1$ alternative soft drinks.

"shit nigga I only got a dollar and 5 cents how tf can I dead ass get you fucking coke"
"Poor Man's Coke nigga deadass get me the root beer faygo"

by niggadeadassdawg August 25, 2017

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

cap n coke

Drink mixture of Captain Morgan and Coke on ice, also known as a rum and Coke

Mike: "Cap n Coke for me, and a Zima for the lady"
Fred: "Thats not funny, I'm not a lady, I would like a Zima though"

by Anonymous August 18, 2003

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

poor mans coke

Common street slang for crystal meth (methenphetamine). Used because coke is expensive for a short high while crystal meth is much less for almost a 48 hour high.

Guy: I'm gonna go pick up some coke for the weekend.
Salesguy: Why try coke when you can try poor mans coke, it's much cheaper and it last longer ... It's Great!

by Rapapapaptta February 24, 2006

29πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

cherry coke

A prison sex term that is used to describe the prober smashing the probee's head on the prison bars until the probee's head bleeds and his asshole tightens giving the prober a better orgasm.

What a field trip, I saw an inmate get cherry coked at the county jail!

by PyrhoM@XX October 11, 2010

3πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Diet Coke and Mentos

When you take a 2-liter of diet coke, unscrew the cap, drop in a few mentos and close it. You then take the bottle and
1) Leave it somwhere on the ground to explode like a volcano
2) Throw it hard at the ground to make it explode and propell it in a certain direction
3) (This is a dick move) lube up the top of the cap, approach someone from the rear,(willing or not, they could have lost a super bowl bet, came last place in the bracket group, lost a game of rock paper scissors or is just a bitch) shove it up their ass and retreat to a safe distance to watch.(WARNING, that shit is dangerous)

Jack: What are you guys doing?
Steve: This dumbshit thought the Patriots were gonna win the super bowl, now we get to give em' the diet coke and mentos bottle up the ass,
Jack: HA HA HA! Can I watch?
Steve: Of course

by Jihad_Unit April 7, 2008

24πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Coke-bottle glasses

Prescription eyeglasses with very thick/heavy lenses, like the infamous "forest-fire-starter" curved lens-like bottoms on heavy-walled Coca-cola soft-drink bottles.

Wow, that little old lady's sure got the coke-bottle glasses! Wonder how she ever manages to see in the shower or anyplace else where she has to take her glasses off.

Grade-school kid #1: Yo, pal --- you back from the eye-doc, I see. Whoa-hoh-hohhhh... what huge thick lenses! That rig must weigh a TON --- zheesh, I feel for ya --- totally sux, Bud!
Grade-school kid #2: Yeah, fer sher --- the doc said it was hereditary, and I'd never have good vision, so he gave me these stupid Coke-bottle glasses which I'll hafta wear the rest of my life. Ah, well... at least I can see again.

by QuacksO November 28, 2011

38πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž