Named for Patient Zero, this illness was first discovered in Washington DC in 2011. Categorized as a special kind of stupid, this malady directly affects the IQ and causes it to drop to under 60 points. Symptoms include feigning expertise on an unfamiliar subject and the ability to verbalize nonsense.
That idiot has a clear case of Rand Dumb.
To make it easier to understand a phrase.
Could you dumb it out for me? It doesn't make sense.
also known as mark lee, you literally can’t get any dumber than mark lee
“hey it’s the dumb bitch!” “mark? where?”
“i frickin love that dumb bitch. by dumb bitch i mean mark lee, but we already knew that.”
Person: Hey Andrea, your a dumb bitch!
Andrea: Why?
Person: because your name is Andrea
Andrea: oh that makes sense. I’m a dumb bitch!
A person whomst is a low intellect, human version of a female dog