When you overindulge in too much junk food, failing to be healthy and instead feeling fat and guilty.
Man, I had so much ice cream last night. It was such a fatty fail!
You ate that entire pizza? You're such a fatty fail.
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A Fail Guild is an association of people under a "Guild Tag" in the game World of Warcraft that contains players of a disreputable sort. To qualify as a "fail guild," a guild must first be very badly behaved (publicly racist or homophobic), have members that have ninja'd a guild bank on another server, and all members must be defensive and condone their other members' asshat behavior. No amount of epics, raid progression, or well spoken players in a guild can remove the stain of asshatery that denotes a guild to "fail".
Mysteria on Baelgun was a Fail Guild
Sectum Et Impera on Muradin was a Fail Guild
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A child that kind of sucks at life.
The 6-year old boy that decided to hop in the helium balloon thinking it would be fun, but then come to find out that he was hiding in his house the whole time, while the police and every other law enforcement agency is looking for him. fail child.
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Definition number two in the urban dictionary of epic fail.
"Means only one thing........of two choices."
^Epic Fail of definition
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a dorks' feeble attempt to sound cool on the internet. Some member of some random internet group said it once, and now everyone is copying that person because they think it sounds cool, and they think they are cool--Both are incorrect.
Your lack of creativity deems you fail at life.
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When a male fails at his gender and becomes a Woman Fail. This can be due to possible feminine traits that the person has, such as constantly observing ones reflection, paying for expensive branded clothes or owning a woman phone (expensive and pointless)
It is usually shortened down to simply calling the said man a woman.
Guy 1: god, he looks at his reflection so much, even in his phone
Guy 2: yeah, its because he's a woman fail.
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