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high over

A high over is much like a hang over, except it is caused by smoking marijuana. Usually noticed waking up the next day, to find you are still high. The high over is not always caused by excessive smoking. (Some people are just light weights.)

After smoking a QP of weed in one night David had a 3 day high over.

by Chuck G February 25, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

1. What teenagers say when referring to Hell.

2. A building thats suppose to be meant for learning but instead is full of shallow people who you don't know who will talk behind your back and want to be all inside of your business. You'll be forced to learn crap you'll maybe never even use because you don't really care that X= Y or forensics since you don't want to be involved in none of those careers. Either way it doesn't matter in 4 years you won't see any of those idiots be cynical and keep to yourself.

3. a place in your life that suck for everyone no one ever has "4 best years in highschool" that's just bullshit you hear from your parents so they can get you out of the house faster.

4. If your excited about high school then i'm not sorry to disappoint you by the second month of high school you'll be ready to put a bullet in your head to get away from that place. If you aren't excited about high school then your smart and your ready to deal with all the problems and assholes in high school. If people in school don't like you screw them your you and you shouldn't change youself for anyone you'll be out of there in 2-4 years depending on what grade your in.

1. Person 1: I have to spend 5 more months in hell- i mean high school!

2. person 1: My second period is American government i don't give a crap about all that, its not like i want to be a politician.

Person 2: dude you have to learn it.

Person 1: Why?

Person 2: i don't know.

A senior walks by

Person 1: man i hate that guy.

Person 2: yeah he's a asshole

Person 1: yeah i never meant him but some girl told me...

The two guys gossip about the senior despite the fact that they don't know the guy personally.

3. Mother: High school was the best years of my life.

Person 1: really? i heard from dad that the 'popular kids' use to call you names and locked you in the bathroom... a few times

4. Freshmen: this place is great everyone is so nice and cool! i can't wait for this year to start.

Sophomore: dude, i'm warning you this place isn't that well the people you just talked to are the fakest ones here i suggest you stay away from them. Don't trust anyone here! watch yourself.

Freshmen: Stupid guy i just made some friends your only made because people don't talk to you.

Sophomore: i don't talk to anyone here because 90% of people are ignorant.

Freshmen: whatever i'm one of the popular kids now.

2 months later

Freshmen: what did i do wrong? people hate me and someone threw a rock at me i never even met them! and someone spread the rumor that i-

Sophomore: I don't care i warned you. Have fun with your 'problems' popular kid.

by Cynical susy January 10, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

kai high

the amazing feeling you have upon going through Kairos and it is a feeling that lasts. Kairos is amazing!!

Kairos was amazing! I feel so good. I am so Kai high

by Loyola Academy Ramblers December 3, 2007

43๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

High Roading

a) To defend an argument in a way that is difficult to attack for moral reasons.
b) To take the moral high ground
c) To pretend to be better then a certain opinion for moral reasons in order to make your friend (who has claimed the other opinion) look like a total doucher
d) Using "The Flag" or "The Children" to win an argument in a blatantly ridiculous way

Example 1:

Them: "I hate these *&%#@$ school zones! The speed limit is 15mph and the kids are never here!"
You: "The school zones are for the safety of the children. How dare you think of yourself before the children."
Them: "Oh No! You used the children. Nice High Roading."

Example 2:
Them: "The extra security at airports is total lame sauce. If a terrorist is going to take a plane down they will find a way."
You: "We have the extra security for the protection of the American people and the children. I believe in our flag and in our country and that is why I believe in the extra security."
Them: "Nice high road move using the flag, jackass. You Suck!"

by Grymm Deth June 16, 2009

105๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

high five!

the thing that normal people do to everyday things.

1.hey look! its bernie kosar! high five! *high fives*
2. we just high fived! high five! *high fives*
3. OW you just hit my eye! high five! *high fives*
4. OW my hand hurts from high fiving.....high five! *high fives*
5. no really.. my hands bleeding. high five! *high fives*

by Dave Farley April 5, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

high score

The highest number of people killed in a single school shooting. The current high score is 33 held by Cho Seung Hui from the Virginia Tech shooting.

Person 1: "Dude, that kid looks like he's gonna shoot up the school"
Person 2: "I wonder if he can beat the high score?"

by chingchongnipnong August 29, 2008

355๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

high as the sky

so extremely high it feels like ur walkin on clouds. every time ur heel hits the ground ur actually bouncing off something extremely soft, like clouds seem to be.

just hit the dro and everytime my leg hits the ground it feels like i'm riding clouds, i'm high as the sky.

by D.L. August 19, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž