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good business

used to describe something excellent and/or desirable. Best spoken at the workplace.

See that new secretary in those super tight pants? Yes, that's good business.

by sean_sean_sean December 5, 2006

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good and proper

To do something completely, totally, to the best of one's ability, or in a totally originally way.

Man, i fucked up good and proper!

by blackartist321 November 12, 2009

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kinda good

a term used by james charles and his army of sisters which is used when james charles sees a goodlooking dude lol!!!

omg emma, kinda good! (says this while looking at grayson dolan)

by myname iscool January 1, 2019

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Good Otch

Another way to say "Sexy" or "I'd hit that". The slang "otch" literally means "Sex". However "Good Otch" doesn't literally mean "Good Sex", it's just a compliment or exclamation of a female's sexyness or beauty.

"Shit, did you seen Jessica Simpson's new music video?"
"Daaaamn! Good otch!"

by TFE September 1, 2006

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good sister

A good sister is a sister that brings water to his brother.

Thank you for filling up my water bottle, you are such a good sister said, my brother.

by Valchy November 17, 2020

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The Greater Good

The Greater Good is greater than good. It is also shortened to TGG sometimes too. There is really no explanation to how great The Greater Good really is. Also you should really support the channel of The Greater Good.

That was for The Greater Good

Yes!!!! TGG

by Hutter May 2, 2022

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Good mammary

interjection: synonymous with Damn and Oh Shit

Good mammary that's a hairy ass!

by Anonymous April 30, 2003

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