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End of the World Excuse

An excuse used to justify things that would only be made right if the world were to end.

a. I maxed out my credit card and cheated on my wife because I thought the world was going to end on December 21st, 2012. Now I need and excuse better then the End of the World Excuse.

by kbates55 May 10, 2009

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Genetic Dead End

A homosexual who will not pass on his genetics to his offspring. Coined by Stephen Colbert, literally means a dead end for your family's genetics.

"Tyler told me he was gay; wait until his parents find out he's a genetic dead end.

by ToasterBoy15 July 2, 2011

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

end my suffering

When you have suffered enough

Ughh. End my suffering, I have 10 tests this week

by Ir0l3playb1sh August 18, 2018

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

At the end of the day, it's night

At the end of the day, it's night; means that the truth is painfully obvious when you think about it.

Emily: I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me.
Daniel: At the end of the day, it's night. I know why you cut me off.

by TheUnknownVariable2021 March 19, 2021

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Two ends of a cunt.

Irish slang term & insult.

Used to describe a person of ill repute, nasty, beligerent and ignorant, lacking in manners and tact.

That Connor beats his wife he is the ''Two ends of a cunt.''

by Terry O'Neill February 23, 2010

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

End of batch fart

The last farts before you need a poo. These farts tens to be the most pungent of all farts.

Man 1: β€œholy shit that smellsβ€œ
Man 2: β€œyeah dude that was an end of batch fart, I'm off to drop the kids in the pool nowβ€œ

by Emiloudee93 September 14, 2012

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Deep End

The BEST place for all your hiphop needs.
Most uptodate information on new music.

TheEndIsDeep .com better than 2dope , OnSmash , Nah Right and the best blog in Dallas , Texas

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TheEndIsDeep .com

theendisdeep .com
TheEndIsDeep .com
The Deep End

by ???? :D October 6, 2011

3πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž