Source Code

Liquid burrito

A burrito order from Chipotle containing beans, no rice, barbacoa, extra queso, all the salsas, and extra sour cream.

Some asshole just ordered a liquid burrito, hoe am I supposed to wrap this thing?

by Tacosauceman March 30, 2023

liquid warmth

warmth in the form of a liquid

the shower provides water as liquid warmth.

by Kevinw05 September 1, 2022

Liquid snow

When a man is about to ejaculate on a plane he opens the window and lets his semen fly.

Jared: You hear about Nick getting hit by the liquid snow?

Jacob: Yeah! Must of been awful!

by Stonybrook26 May 10, 2018

liquid electricity

Mc Donald's sprite

*takes a sip of Mc Donald's sprite* yo this shit can turn on a car it's that liquid electricity.

by @pityopussylipsonlive February 6, 2021

Liquid stimulant

Old humans would often start up their day by eating a circle food and a liquid stimulant

Lol job simulator thinks coffee is a liquid stimulant. Wait

by iddunno January 29, 2021

liquid fortnitrogen

The ultimate solution for cringy fortnite kids.

Fortnite kid: i got the dub
Mom: *pours liquid fortnitrogen onto child*
Fortnite kid: 👁👄👁

by john stromboli April 23, 2021

Liquid death

Liquid death is the phrase used for when someone has a stroke/seizure and aggressively releases wet bowel movements

“Did you hear about John? He got got hit by liquid death

“When I walked into the room, there was liquid death everywhere”

by Weeb.exe1 November 17, 2023