a substitute for using Mother Fucker
you dirty little Mother Stapper
a game released on the gameboy advance (a Handheld device the released on June 11, 2001 for north america) that was released on April 20, 2006. But this game never left japan.
Person 1: Come on reggie give us Mother 3
Reggie: N O
You see Steve over there? He docked your mom last night. What a mother dicker.
Mother bitcher is when you litteraly dont know how to swear and say anything that comes to your mouth
"You mother bitcher, I swear to cum bro you always vagina."
"Thats not how you swear..."
A weird, geeky, gothy, nerdy, alt, and/or strange mom of one or more sticky, loud, ridiculous, crazy monster called a child.
Lena is dancing to Spooky, Scary Skeletons with her kids in the front yard at midnight with witch hats and broomsticks in April *again*, she's such an unusual mother.
Ugly mother is a term used to slag off your mum that’s a tart.
Awrite mate god dam you have one ugly mother.
a milk mother is a plump woman usually tall that has big tiddies and thicc warm thighs
"what's the opposite of a loli, a milk mother"