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may or may not have

an unnecessary phrase that precedes a story or a bragging statement.

most often used by people who are trying to sound mysterious/coy/cool, but it simply annoys the person they are talking to.

sometimes followed by "but definitely did" to make the phrase twice as useless.

Nerd: I may or may not have, but definitely did just solve the math problem first.
Normal Person: You're annoying, shut up.

Caitlin: I may or may not have met Miley Cyrus yesterday!
Mike: What do you mean 'may have'? Did you or didn't you?
Caitlin: I did!
Mike: Well you could've just said so.

by Polly Pissed-off-in-Physics November 21, 2011

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Have a blessed day.

A day in which one's consciousness is not a grievance to you over what was done or not done, and one, in which God, your Mom, or the FBI/CIA/IRS, would bother you about.

"You folks have a blessed day."

by T.Circled April 5, 2020

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Barely Having Sex

Definition: when a guy accidently puts his penis in a skanks vagina, however, because she is such a whore and has slept with 80 people, he can not tell that his penis is inside of her. This continues for a few minutes until he realizes from her slutty ape grunts that he is indeed having sex. He immediately pulls out. Thus, "barely having sex."
Note: This may also include the occasional tip of dick rubbing the clit.

Barely Having Sex: "Baby, I only barely had sex with her. Don't worry.

by The Crotch Monster December 13, 2010

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To have 'Sex At' someone

As opposed to 'with', which implies some sort of mutual feeling or bond, possibly lust or even love.

'Sex At' implies a one sided sexual encounter in which one person is having a much better time than the other during intercourse. Possibly while drunk. Can also relate to 'Jackhammering'

The other use of the term 'Sex At' is in relation to having intercourse for revenge or in an attempt to upset an acquaintance or ex.

In this regard, it is entirely possible to have sex 'At' someone without any intercourse taking place between you and the person you are having sex 'At'.

To have 'Sex At' someone: For example, if person A is in love with person B, person C could have 'Sex At' person A by having Intercourse with person B in order to exact revenge or intentionally uspet person A.

by Enkayess August 7, 2013

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The Hills Have Eyes

A phrase coined by environmentalist when they try to persuade children not to dump litter on their hilly nature reserve. Originated from the horror story by Wes Craven called 'The Hills Have Eyes'. Environmentalists use this phrase in reference to the flesh-eating mutants in the book so that the children are too scared to dump litter because they live in fear of the mutants seeing it and going after them to eat them.

Environmentalist: Now, children, don't you go dumping any of your litter in our lovely hills because the hills have eyes - eyes to watch you! Those eyes belong to flesh-eating mutants!
Children: Aaaaah!

by UrbanLingoGuru July 18, 2011

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A wife who snuggles on the couch with you without bringing a pillow, and falls asleep, leaving you trapped as a headrest and you don't sleep well, but you still love her more than she loves you after you wake up sore.

My No-Pillow-Having-Wife fell asleep on me like that cute cat in those memes and I had to stay still all night so I didn't wake her up. Now I'm sore, but I still love that bitch more than anything.

by Ixidor Waveharp February 15, 2021

Have a little patience

When someone rushes into an attack on Fortnight and exposes the position of the team, resulting in death, other players will say β€œJust a have a little patience”

β€œNiall just have a little patience”
β€œJust hide in a bush, have a little patience”

by Big D 25 January 18, 2018