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Crossing the line

Something one does when temptation becomes too much to handle. Usually done with someone on "The List"(see the list) when it is bad to do so!

So we hooked up last night and crossed the line. Not all the lines! There were some things that we didn't do and lines we didn't cross.

by John September 30, 2003

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main line

process of injecting a drug directly into one's bloodstream.

if you main line that speedball, youll get sick as shit.. and then feel absolutely nothing.

by simon September 2, 2003

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dinner line

The line of dark hair that grows vertically down a man's (and sometimes a hairy woman's) belly and ends at the nether regions.

My tongue followed his dinner line right down to the main course baby!

by hotboxin November 28, 2005

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Line Jumper

Noun: a person that sees that there are clearly people formed in an existing line, ignores it, and proceeds to cut everyone and go to the front of the line

That bitch of a line jumper Alex just line jumped us at Cafe Ra, this is not communist China; in America we form lines.

by victimizedbylinejumping69 January 24, 2012

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A V-line is shown a males body, the deeper the V-Line the bigger the d my children ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜

Nicole: oh my god did you see his V-Line? Bigger than my 30 inch tv.
Daniel: Yeah! He definitely has a big dick.

by Nicole Furnari February 2, 2020

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line of fire

in direct range of cock about to unleash spunk

if you were shooting a porn movie with a close up on the money shot then you as the camera man would be in the line of fire. not nice but a risk you take for having a great job

by vinnny August 18, 2006

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lined up

Scheduled, planned

What have you got lined up for tonight?

by Aistriuchan July 1, 2016

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