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Glue Balls

When "one's" ball sack is stuck to other extremities, i.e. leg, taint, butthole, etc. Usually occurs after profuse sweating, or banging some Broad and not showering afterwards.

I need to go shower ASAP, I got a wicked bad case of Glue Balls!!!

I had Glue Balls so bad last night, I had to walk around like your Mom!!!

by Catphish18 August 27, 2007

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adv. A superlative with a negative connotation

Holy crap, it's balls-ass cold outside today.

by Bragnor December 5, 2009

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Chicken Balling

Insert one's testicles into the oral cavity of any willing party. They will then proceed to "bawk" like a chicken. Hence, Chicken balled.

Nothing really gets me going like when I am Chicken Balling that Molly bitch.

by Barry11 February 18, 2008

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The unpleasant, enduring reaction to cliff-hanger endings particular to the HBO show, "True Blood." This is derived from the idea that "True Blood" never quite climaxes, rather cutting to the credits just before the episode comes to fruition, which, in effect, is detrimental to the viewer's body and mind. The pain simulates blue-balls, lasts for days, and can only be pacified by another episode of "True Blood." Unfortunately, such a solution reaps the same consequences.

This concept can be generalized to incorporate any mystical television program which prides itself on being equally torturous and addictive.

"Man fucking shit, I have to wait nine months to get rid of these true-balls."
"You can't just masturbate to online episodes?"

by Ludovico 6710 September 25, 2009

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ball knowledge

how much you know about football and your team.

β€œHarry Maguire is terrible”. Whoever said that has no ball knowledge since they don’t know that maguire is amazing

by beneficialtrap February 6, 2023

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Something you do before you go to live with your auntie in Bel-Air.

Shooting some b-ball outside o' school

by Rubber sole February 23, 2017

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chili balls

This is synonymous with testicular body odor. Chili describes the odor emanating from sweaty male testes. The degree of "chili-ness" will vary depending on
(1) the size of the balls,
(2) the level of sweat accumulating around the balls,
(3) amount of pubes growing from the vulnerable region, and
(4) the diet of the host.

It is important to note that women do not like chili balls. Before a date, a male should always do a "chili-check". Simply use your fingers to swipe under your balls and give it a quick whiff. If the smell screams Hormel, wash your nuts if you plan on getting any.

"That guy had major chili balls"

by Sara U. October 14, 2007

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