When you have been eating greasy fast-food and have to shit really bad, but the toliet is too dirty to sit on so you bend over and fart, blowing mud all over the toliet painting it brown.
While at the red robin, I had diarrea and gas real bad. The toliet had pee on the seat so I bent over infront of it and when I farted I blew mud all over the toliet painitng it brown. Brown butt paint in da house! Booyaa!
4๐ 1๐
A picture of a twelve-foot long erect penis. Once every year, it jumps out and goes on a rampage.
One squad's final transmission:
Sir...an unidentified object is coming our way. It's four yards long and two yards wide.
What? Main screen turn on!
What you say?
Penis, sir, penis!
Make your time for later. Night is best time.
15๐ 9๐
"Painting the town red" means to party, run wild, and have fun. It can also be used to express the need/want to surprise and gain the attraction of the opposite gender (as seen in example 2).
Example 1:
On the phone one lonely Friday night...
Ring Ring!
Sally: Hello?
Joe: Hey, Sal. It's Joe!
Sally: Oh, hey Joe... How are you tonight?
Joe: I'm good. You?
Sally: I'm alright... I just finished my homework, and... I'm alone. Karmen was going out to eat with Jeremy, and Lillyanna was going to a party with Annie, so I'm just going to eat and go to bed after some Facebook.
Joe: Oh, I'm sorry...
Sally: Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go-
Joe: Wait! How would you like to go out with Tony and me tonight? We're going to party and do some painting the town red after a few drinks at the Irish Pub downtown!
Sally: Really? Joe, that sounds awesome! Here, can you pick me up in an hour?
Joe: Sure thing, Sal!
Sally: Bye!
Joe: Adios.
Example 2:
Joe and Tony arrive at Sally's house an hour after the phone call...
Joe: Sally? You in here?
Sally: Yep! How do you like my outfit?
Tony: Whistles Sally, you look... sexy!
Joe: Sally, you...
Sally: Cleavage, huh?
Joe and Tony: Yes MA'AM!
Sally: Well, what are we waiting for? To the pub!
13๐ 7๐
A term frequently used by the artist Birdman, a.k.a. Little Wayne's Father, a.k.a. the greatest rapper alive. Such term is defined as having paint that is as moist as the most moistest pussy that could possibly be found alive on this wet earth today.
I painted my house with a 10-gallon can of pussy wet paint.
36๐ 28๐
slapping someone withe shit in your hand
i just used mexican face paint on ur sister
13๐ 8๐
to get drunk
let's go paintundewear tonight!
2๐ 14๐
a baller that happened to get jewed into getting shot out, or sacrificed himself to bunker the mofo in the snake
Mark Mingle is very rarely a painted gezabelle
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